I’m Full used in Easter services

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I realise it’s far from Easter, but looking back I was really humbled to find ‘I’m Full Cos it was Empty’ spoken word video used in Easter services.

I came up with the concept of a traditional/post modern mash up with famous paintings depicting the cross and resurrection with this mug ‘green screened’ into them. I must say, the work Andy Toovey did to pull this off was incredible…he brought the paintings to life in a way I couldn’t have imagined.

‘I’m Full cos it was empty’ I actually wrote the year before, and I had the opportunity to perform this piece live in many different contexts – some highlights were Spring Harvest and All Souls, Langham Place. This being said, it was always going to be interesting how my favourite ‘live’ piece to perform would transition to video, but in God’s grace I believe it stood tall in it’s own right.

I hope it has been a blessing, and I pray that it was and continues to be one way of communicating the most significant weekend in history.

Easter vid delayed but still coming out soon!

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Hey guys,

this is just a quick update to let you know that the Easter vid #imfullcositwasempty is still coming out ready for Easter but it won’t be out by tomorrow (Friday).

Thank you so much for the support and hope this doesn’t put your Easter plans out too much. I will let you know when the new launch date will be, but am eager to post it as soon as it’s finished.


In the meantime – check out this AMAZING video…

Oh, and this one…

(FYI – That could’ve been the take that blew ever other take out of the water….it just wasn’t meant to be was it?)

Spoken Truth update

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First off – please accept my apologies for not putting more updates on the site, so much has happened since ‘8000 views on YouTube!!’

Allow me to give you the latest in a nutshell (“look at me, I’m in a nutshell – how did I get inside this nutshell?”….sorry.)



The Joseph video partnered up with mulled wine as it made an appearance in Carol Services right across the country. I feel privileged to think that is has been seen by so many, possibly people who don’t know the true meaning of the Christmas story.

Joseph has received over 14,000 views on YouTube – From the UK to the Ukraine, Pontypridd to the Philippines! With the top demographics coming from the UK – along with the US, Canada and Australia.




Last year Andy and I entered Christmas C(h)ord into the Nativity Factor and I was chuffed to get the runner up spot…alright, a little gutted but we did lose to worthy winners!
This time round, we entered Joseph, and this time we took the top spot – FIRST!

Couldn’t be happier and what’s more I got some great endorsements from some top Judges.

Britain's Christine Ohuruogu celebrates after she won silver in the women's 400m final during the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium

  “this was very thought      provoking, and it was great to    see the story of the Nativity told from the    point of view of someone who usually doesn’t get much of the limelight! Joseph’s story is  powerfully told and the feelings are deeply embedded into the presentation.The real message was  put together beautifully.”





Alongside Joseph, Christmas Chord continued notching up the views from last year. It’s Currently on some 26,600 views on YouTube.





After launching the website – Spoken Truth along with the Joseph video I was fortunate enough to get a couple of radio interviews (With Emily Graves of Cross Rhythms and a podcast with Glen Scrivener of ‘Anti Santi Ranti’ fame).

To catch my  interviewwith Emily  at Cross Rhythms click here



The Saying Goodbye Spoken Word video continues to grow in views and I am  continually humbled to read about how this poem has being a blessing to so many who have grieved young ones.


saying goodbye pix

 “Wow. Thank you for such a powerful      expression of words!”


 “Powerful and soothing words. Matches exactly how I’m feeling.”



Mar Jones vid me     big mission picMary Jones vid - MJ

I have also been working on 2 videos for ‘The Bible Society’- one exploring where it all started – A 15 year old from Bala some 200 years ago.

The other – a spoken word piece on the exciting mission Bible Society are launching this Easter.

I am hoping to put up here soon, so watch this space.




photo 3photo 1

So this is me performing my Easter piece – ‘I’m Full Cos it was empty’ at the All Souls Mission week. What a privilege it was to step into an arena that has brought so much to the Christian teaching in the UK.




Thanks for reading. And look out for my latest video on Easter which I will be out very soon!



Saying Goodbye

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‘Just before the Christmas break 2012, I had the opportunity to work with Saying Goodbye, a national charity that provides support to those grieving the loss of a child. It was great to support such a positive message as I wrote and delivered a spoken word piece to capture the heart of the charity. It is very humbling to think that this video has had close to 55,000 views on youtube and counting!

I hope this blesses you too.’